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Support Us

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St. Rose School recognizes the loyalty and support of alumni, parents and friends. St. Rose financial gifts, which are primarily unrestricted (meaning the donor allows St. Rose to determine how the money is used), relieve the burden on tuition and assist with the school’s daily needs.

St. Rose School Parent Association plays such a vital role in providing dollars to aid the school to invest into the many new technologies available to greater our students learning.

If you are interested in leaving a legacy you may also name St. Rose School as a beneficiary within your financial investments, trusts, or will.

Private education provided at St. Rose school is a wonderful gift that willing donors or benefactors may contact the school office about to establish scholarship funds sponsored anonymously, individually, and corporately.

Through the years many of our community have participated generously to St. Rose expanding our campus to include: Our School, Multipurpose Facility, and new Preschool. In the years ahead our vision to provide the children of our community the very best in education will indeed require your continuing support. Your generosity truly makes a difference.

Monetary Gifts to St. Rose School can be made using the Online Giving page.

Please check “our Ways to help“ page for more ideas.