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Program Overview

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Catholic values, doctrine and morality permeate the school day at St. Rose. Prayer takes place throughout the day and religion is taught as a core academic subject.

Students attend Mass once a month and the sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at school each year during Lent.

Liturgical seasons are well-observed at school. The teaching staff makes every effort to delay the celebration of the Christmas Season until the preparatory season of Advent has concluded. Students attend school during Holy Week so they can be well-prepared to celebrate the Easter Triduum, the most sacred time of the Church's calendar.

The second grade curriculum includes sacramental preparation for First Communion and Reconciliation. St. Rose students are instructed during the regular religion period while the reception of the sacraments take place at the parish with the children in the parish school of religion.

Over the course of the school year, students have many opportunities to participate in their spiritual development. Masses, class projects, our Christmas program and Lenten activities are just a few of these. Students in fourth through eighth grades are eligible and encouraged to participate in the altar server ministry.

Catholic families with children who are not yet baptized can make arrangements for this sacrament through St. Rose Parish. The teachers will help with the child's preparation. Non-Catholic families that would like to explore the possibility of conversion are encouraged to join and RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) group at the parish

Students at St. Rose learn of God's great love and return that love through service at school, at home, at the parish, in the community and in the world.