The goal of St. Rose Preschool is to impart the message that God loves us,
and that a loving response to God leads to a more fulfilling life.
Recognizing that the responsibility of total education lies primarily with the parents, the staff of St. Rose Preschool endeavors to assist them in strengthening the whole person through a program which stimulates spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development.
The foundation for developing a positive self-image is grounded in the early years of our lives. St Rose Preschool recognizes the importance of these early education experiences, and is committed to providing a safe, nurturing Christian environment for our children.
We offer opportunities for children to develop and learn through self-discovery, guided exploration, and positive experiences. We encourage self-expression and awareness while emphasizing social skills, early communication and academic development at each child’s pace.
Emphasis is placed on pre-reading and pre-math skills, verbalization, socialization, and ourselves and how we relate to each other and our world. This is done through flannelboard stories, storytelling, fingerplays, calendar and weather charts, circle times, arts and crafts, music and dance. These activites, and many others, are integrated into our quality program.
Ours is a Catholic preschool, so time is spent each day learning about God and our relationship with Him. We learn simple daily prayers and songs to help the children respond with love to God and to each other.
We welcome the unique contribution that each child brings to our school.
CLICK HERE to view Preschool & TK Parent Handbook updated AUG 2024
St. Rose Preschool
Tami Loughner, Preschool Director
(707) 526-9844 /
St. Rose School Principal:
Kathleen Aymar
4300 Old Redwood Hwy/ Santa Rosa, CA 95403