Due to Covid-19, programs and activities listed on this page may be modified or temporarily unavailable. Please contact the school for details.
Research has shown that students do better in school when their parents are involved.
Parents are required to complete 15 hours of community service throughout the school year or will be billed an extra fee at the end of school year.
Parents have the option to ‘opt’ out when completing their Tuition Contract and paying the additional fee up front.
The Parent Association sponsors two major fundraisers: The Annual Crab Feed and the Walk-A-Thon. Every family is asked to support the important fundraisers.
The proceeds from these events help to keep everyone’s tuition lower. St. Rose is blessed with many families who happily complete service hours over and above the required 15 hours. Research has shown that students do better in school when their parents are involved. For this reason, we hope all families will choose to complete their service hour requirement.
Our weekly newsletters will contain a listing of current service hour needs occasionally throughout the year.
Parent volunteers must be compliant with Diocese requirements including a background check and completing Safe Environment courses online.
After School Sports : Coaching, Track Meet Workers
Contact the school athletic director for more information.
School and Parish Events
- Crab Feed : Decorations Committee, Wine Donations Committee, Auction Committee, Set up, Clean Up.
- Parish Festival : Volunteers are always needed for a variety of events. Contact Parish Festival event chairpersons through the Parish.
- School Pictures Day: Help prepare the children for their school photos.
- Walk-A-Thon: Contact the Walk-A-Thon committee to learn more.
- Holy Thursday Activity
- Halloween Carnival : Contact your head room parent for more information about booth preparation, set up and clean up.