Parent Association

The purpose of the St. Rose School Parent Association is to provide hospitality, to guide fundraising efforts, and to enrich the school’s community spirit.  All school parents are members of the association and are cordially invited to attend monthly meetings which are usually held at 7  PM on the first Tuesday of the month.  Attending the meetings is a wonderful way to make new friends, get involved in school life, and provide valuable input to the school administration.  The meetings are somewhat informal and can be a lot of fun.

The Parent Association provides guidance for room parents and runs a  number events which are enjoyed by students and parents alike.  Some of these include the Crab Feed, Family Bingo Nights, Halloween Carnival, and more

The Parent Association has two major fundraisers each year, the Crab Feed and the Walk-a-Thon.  Through their fundraising efforts the Parent Association contributes over $75,000 to the school’s operating budget, which helps to keep tuition increases to a minimum.  Over the past few years, their discretionary funds have provided new playground equipment, major upgrades to our technology program, and much more.